The Resplendent Quetzal can be found in areas from southern Mexico to Panama. It is the national bird of Guatemala and is featured on its flag and currency (which is also called the quetzal). The bird has been a symbol of freedom for many centuries because of the difficulty of keeping it alive in captivity. Some quetzals even kill themselves after being put in a cage.
The male quetzal usually grows its long tail feathers during mating season, often reaching 3ft. in length. The female is less striking and more subtly colored than the male, however both parents take turns incubating the eggs. Nests are made in holes which the birds carve in the trunks of rotten trees.
To see one of these birds in the wild is a real treat. I was lucky enough to see one outside its nest in Monteverde, Costa Rica the last time I was there in 2002.
Rob is the answer
From Jake
Si, senor!